The Games
New members and supporters are always welcome! Please contact the secretary for details..
The History
Aberlour is situated in the lovely valley of the Spey close to the river on a long stretch of comparatively level ground. Its real name is Charleston-of-Aberlour and was founded by Charles Grant, the Laird of Elchies (a district north of the river). In 1813 when houses were being built, it was deemed proper to commemorate the event by naming the village or town “Charleston-of Aberlour,” the Lairds son being called Charles, another village 2.5 miles from Elchies House was founded by a brother of Charles, named Archie, hence Archiestown.
Organising Team
Meet our team
Chieftain: Guy Macpherson-Grant
President: Neil Spence
Vice President: Doug Winchester
Secretary: Brian Cameron
Treasurer: Bob Cluckie
Dancing Convenor: Alison Milne
Raffle & Stall Promoter: Joanna Murdoch
Members of the Committee:
Brian Cameron, Chris Burns, Sandy Henderson, Ben Morrison, Frank Munro, Neil Spence, Doug Winchester, Joanna Murdoch, James Newlands, Stacey Nicole, Neil Dicks, James Tarling

Chieftain – Aberlour Strathspey Highland Games
August 2021
Charlestown of Aberlour
Alice Littler Memorial Park
Charlestown of Aberlour
AB38 9QP
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